Causes Of ED

Cholesterol And Erectile Dysfunction

High Cholesterol & How It Links To Erectile Dysfunction

More and more research and studies are providing evidence of the links between high cholesterol & erectile dysfunction. One of the results of having high cholesterol is artherosclerosis which is the narrowing of arteries.  The build up of cholesterol leads to that.

If you feel you that your lifestyle may have increased your chances of experiencing high cholesterol levels then you should see a specialist.  High levels of cholesterol are also linked to numerous other serious conditions such as heart disease.  Seeing a doctor should be your first point of call.

In the United Kingdom, it's startling to discover that a substantial six out of every ten individuals grapple with high cholesterol. What's even more concerning is that many among them are completely unaware of this potentially dangerous condition. High cholesterol's insidious nature lies in its lack of overt symptoms.

This silent trait often leads people to postpone taking action until it's too late. Elevated cholesterol levels can pave the way for heart attacks, strokes, and even contribute to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it's strongly advisable to gauge your cholesterol levels through the Fear Nothing Blood Test to ensure they fall within the healthy range. If high cholesterol is the main cause of your impotence then by simply reducing these levels should allow the natural blood flow to pass through arteries and reach the penis again.  When this happens you should see a positive effect on your erections again.


Cholesterol is essentially a fatty substance produced by the liver and is also present in certain foods. Despite its somewhat negative reputation, cholesterol serves crucial roles in the body, including hormone production and cell building. Without cholesterol in your blood you would not be able to build newer healthier cells which is vital in the overall healthiness of the human body.  Therefore, do not make the mistake of thinking you need to eradicate cholesterol from your diet completely to stop your ED.  However, high cholesterol is often linked to an unhealthy lifestyle choice such as a poor dietary routine and too much alcohol.

If your lifestyle choice involves zero to little amounts of exercise, and huge amounts of fatty foods such as greasy takeouts involving pizzas and burgers, then maybe you should look at making some changes to your diet.  According to HeartUK, these foods are linked to high cholesterol:-

  1. Animal fats, such as butter, ghee, margarines and spreads made from animal fats, lard, suet and dripping.
  2. Full fat dairy foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt and cream.
  3. Fatty meat and processed meat products such as sausages
  4. Lean meat, especially offal, such as liver, kidney, sweetbreads, heart and tripe
  5. Prawns, crab, lobster, squid, octopus and cuttlefish
  6. Eggs (the cholesterol is in the yolk)

It isn't just foods that can raise cholesterol levels.  There are considerable amounts of evidence that suggest stress can have a huge role in the increase of bad cholesterol.  Studies also show that men are the most at risk from stress caused high cholesterol.

The stress hormone cortisol is the culprit here.  As we become stressed the body releases cortisol & adrenaline into the blood which helps to create the 'flight or fight' response to the stressful situation.  This may then cause the release of triglycerides, which promotes the influx of  “bad” cholesterol which, in turn, causes atherosclerosis which, as we know, reduces blood flow around the body preventing erections during sexual activity.

Cholesterol cannot navigate through the bloodstream on its own. It hitches a ride on proteins, forming lipoproteins. Two primary types exist:

- Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs): Often dubbed "bad cholesterol," LDLs constitute the majority of your body's cholesterol. Elevated levels of LDLs heighten the risk of heart disease and strokes.

- High-density lipoproteins (HDLs): Conversely known as "good cholesterol," HDLs transport cholesterol back to the liver, facilitating its removal from the body. This process helps lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Factors such as dietary habits rich in saturated fats and insufficient physical activity can lead to increased cholesterol levels. Additionally, genetic conditions like familial hypercholesterolaemia can predispose individuals to high cholesterol from birth.

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Speak to your doctor.  Or if you are reluctant to book an appointment for whatever reason then you can order home test kits to check your cholesterol levels.  Vitall provides professional, certified laboratory results and transparent health guidance for anyone with specific health concerns.

Whether it is through a health professional at your local surgery or through the use of a home testing kit, find out what is causing the high cholesterol and then you will have a better understanding of how to fight it.  If you are suffering with high levels of cholesterol because of stress then try introducing more exercise to your daily schedule.  Try Yoga.  Not only does Yoga relax the body but it also aids the synthesis of vitamin D and other vitamins that help combat stress.  Transcendental meditation is also known to help reduce stress & cholesterol.

But what if you need to alter your diet?  What foods do you introduce of which could help you improve your cholesterol levels?  According to  Healthline the best foods are:-

  1. Legumes
  2. Avocados
  3. Nuts
  4. Fatty Fish
  5. Wole Grains
  6. Fruits and Berries
  7. Dark Chocolate
  8. Garlic
  9. Soy Foods
  10. Vegetables
  11. Green Tea
  12. Dark Leafy Greens
  13. Extra Virgin Olive Oil


The most reliable way to assess your cholesterol levels is through a blood test. The Fear Nothing Blood Test, a convenient at-home finger-prick test, provides a comprehensive blood lipid assessment, including cholesterol and triglyceride levels - another significant contributor to cardiovascular risk.

Since cholesterol levels can fluctuate based on lifestyle choices, regular monitoring with an at-home blood test is recommended. This empowers you to track the impact of dietary and exercise adjustments over time, aiding in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels.

Moreover, the Fear Nothing Blood Test covers a range of other critical health indicators, including vitamin D levels, diabetes risk, and testosterone levels. It also includes a complimentary phone consultation with a UK doctor who will interpret your results and offer personalised health advice tailored to your specific situation.


If your blood test indicates that medication isn't necessary to manage your cholesterol, there are several lifestyle adjustments you can implement to maintain healthy levels:

  1. Engage in regular exercise: Just 21 minutes of daily exercise can positively impact cholesterol levels. Both resistance training and aerobic exercises like running or cycling have been shown to elevate "good" cholesterol while reducing "bad" cholesterol.
  2. Adopt a balanced diet: Limiting saturated and trans fats in your diet can help regulate cholesterol levels. Fast food and desserts, known for their high saturated fat content, should be consumed in moderation. For guidance, consider exploring our 7-day high cholesterol diet plan.
  3. Incorporate foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as oily fish, nuts, and avocados, to aid in lowering cholesterol levels. Additionally, high-fibre foods like wholemeal bread, oats, and fruits contribute to cholesterol reduction.

Remember, your health journey is unique, and taking proactive steps towards maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is a powerful investment in your overall well-being. Feel empowered to make positive choices, and don't hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals for guidance and support along the way. Your health matters.

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